
molly and neve

Little cousins Molly and Neve playing in the horse trailer at Molly's fifth birthday party.

Beautiful little Neve in her fuzzy sweater!


flies in a line

Lining up the flies for summer time.



Happy Easter! Here's a log to celebrate.



This weekend consisted of spending some quality time in the University of Maine greenhouses while Josh (and the rest of the UMO Horticulture Club) prepared for the Bangor Garden Show. That means that I got to explore some cool plants while everyone else was working hard.

To the right are the giant leaves of a banana tree. Unfortunately, even in a greenhouse, these banana trees can only produce fruit about once a decade..and this year was not the lucky one. It's still a spectacular plant though!

This is an agave cactus! Yes, the famous origin to the over-used and infamous agave syrup (which is not as healthy as many believe). I wish I had a good shot of the entire plant...it's huuuge and extremely crazy looking. Go look one up.

 More agave.

Water faucets.

University of Maine tag.

One of Josh's cultivated plants. I think it's called a blue veronica, or something like that.

Lastly, another cactus. They have a lot of different cacti, but I liked this one the best.


sail away the day

Such a wonderful post-St. Patrick's Day in Boston. The super sunny and warm weather definitely made up for all the Irish craziness happening around the city. I thought St. Patrick's Day was yesterday?..but the festivities continued into today, leaving transportation backed up and the T beyond crowded. At least the non-stop Patty Party didn't keep sailboaters from sailing on the Charles in front of MIT today. 


shadow branches

Spring has sprung in Boston! I love spending time in the Garden when it's nice out.


ball and a boxed cat

Okay, so I guess there's no one to blame but me for this lack of posting. I've been busy! School, life, etc =  no good quality time with my camera. But I did have a short break from the craziness over spring break, unfortunately home is not the best place for me to continue taking pictures. But I did snag this one of my cat, Dandelion, inside her cathouse. I promise I'll be back to shooting and posting eventually!


down on the corner

Looking out of my apartment windows at the building across the street. I'm still not really sure what the building is for though. I like the lighting at this time of night, now that it is actually staying light out past 4:30!



 Posting hiatus! Aside from the fact that I haven't spent quality time with my camera in the past month, I have also been locked out of my account for some reason. Go figure... But I'm back now! And with new photos.

These two are from this weekend's New England Grows Gardening/Growing Convention held in Boston. I really like this plant, but I forgot the name of it! If I remember I'll update.


phish at madison square garden

Outside of Madison Square Garden before Phish on 12/28. It was such a nice night for being almost January!

Water cup. I thought and still do think this is the greatest thing ever. And yes, I kept this flimsy plastic cup as a souvenir.

As Phish entered the stage. We had seats that faced the back of the band, but it was still an amazing spot to see the entire stadium and hear the musical bliss.

Mike and Trey making magic float through the air. 

Loving life.

The entire band. They made December 28th the most amazing.


escalators of color

New York, New York! Look familiar? This is the colorful wall in Times Square's magical Toys R Us. It was probably the highlight of my entire time spent in Times Square, not necessarily because it was SO AWESOME, but because I'm not really into the whole NYC thing. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have ended up in the city at all if Phish wasn't having their New Years run at Madison Square Garden. Yes, I was lucky enough to get tickets... only to the first night, but one is better than none! Pictures of MSG and the show will be soon to come.


Two buildings close to my apartment. The one above is another apartment building and the one below is a pub. I don't know the lady.


There are so many lantern shops on the walk from Harvard back to Central. 


miss molly

My little cousin, Molly, at the family Christmas party this weekend.


dairy land

Cows in the snow in Monticello, Maine.


crossed sticks and orange leaves

These last couple of posts have all come from my visit last weekend to the Arnold Arboretum, the most amazing place on the Orange line (the sketchy one). I went there to shoot stuff for my photography final project, but I brought my digital along as well. Since it's finals' week and I'm busy studying..... making Christmas presents, I haven't had time to upload all of them. So here's the last of those from the Arboretum! I'll be back home Saturday night, so I'll scan in some of my photos from my class this semester to post. Keep waiting!


simple brown

Be simple today and don't do anything at all.


jolly holly

It's officially the first week of December. That means that winter is fast approaching (although the 60 degree weather in Boston doesn't make it seem possible). I hope you all have a holly jolly start to December!



Another photo from Thanksgiving. This is my grandfather, Pops, resting after a big meal.


thanksgiving sunset

 After stuffing my face with tofurky, salad, and potatoes at my relatives' home in Scarborough, Maine, I took a quick swing by the beach. I am so glad I was able to catch this great sunset.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for memories like this.


jug o' air

Ever since I was a little kid, I have always been fascinated with colored shadows. How is it possible for the color of something to be displaced and projected somewhere else?! I'm sure that there is a simple physics answer to solve this mystery and if I think about it long enough, yeah it makes sense I guess.. but still.


les chats, deja vu

Okay, so I know you've seen my cats featured in so many posts. But they are just so model-esque, posing for me whenever I get out my camera. And of course I missed them while I was down in Boston.

Pumpkin always tries to blend into the wall. He takes the whole "orange" thing way too seriously.

Happy 15th birthday to Friskie! November 6th was the day, and we celebrated by doing joint yoga on the sunny deck outside.


pumpkin pecan buns

Break from reality this week, finally! Due to my awesome class schedule and the upcoming Veteran's Day, I was able to take a week off from classes, city-life, and studying (facebook).. So the first thing I did when I came home was make these amazing vegan pumpkin pecan rolls with a sweet ginger glaze. They were so delicious and my mom ate the entire pan.