
un, deux, trois, CAT

Well I'm leaving home tomorrow to move into my new Cambridge apartment and start the next year of slaving over textbooks, note cards, and Netflix/ Facebook/ vegan cooking blogs. I'm super excited for my apartment, but I'm going to miss this last summer in Houlton, Maine. Three things I miss the most while I'm away are my kitties, Pumpkinpie, Friskie, and Dandelion. Maybe I'll eventually sneak one into my apartment.. If only they traveled well. 

This picture above is Pumpkinpie. He's the most scared cat I've ever met. But once he gets to know you, he's sooo lovable.

Friskie's favorite thing to do is roll around on the ground and the deck. He's my laziest cat, but he's calm and never freaks out like the others.

This is Dandelion, the baby of the bunch. We still call her "The Kitten" even though she's seven and a half now. She's the cat with the most attitude; don't get on her bad side.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some nice looking small green pepper plants in the background of Dandelion's Picture!
