

 So as I mentioned before, I'm in a film photography class at school right now. It's so interesting! But way too expensive. Anyways, that is the main reason why I haven't been posting as much lately. Shooting, developing, and printing takes MUCH longer than shooting, editing, and uploading. Anyways, here are my first three assignments from class.
The first is city/landscape. My teacher was indifferent to these. She didn't say they were great, she didn't say they were awful... just ehh.

The second assignment was portrait. I did my roomie, Taylor. My teacher LOVEEED them and thought they were great..(well all except the middle one with the book). I didn't really like that one either.

The third assignment was self portrait. This was so difficult. I had my boyfriend hold the camera in the position I wanted, but he always ended up moving. This resulted in cutting off my elbows, leaving too much head space, and making me unfocused in about 85% of the pictures. But I managed to print five decent ones! My teacher hasn't critiqued these yet (Tuesday!) but from what she said while I was printing, I think she'll like them... somewhat.

If I get ambition (and a scanner) I will upload some of my best from throughout the semester. Probably not until December though.

UPDATE: (11/1/11) My teacher thought my self portraits were amazing. In fact, best in the class! I got an A and I'm super pumped.

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