

Another photo from Thanksgiving. This is my grandfather, Pops, resting after a big meal.


thanksgiving sunset

 After stuffing my face with tofurky, salad, and potatoes at my relatives' home in Scarborough, Maine, I took a quick swing by the beach. I am so glad I was able to catch this great sunset.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for memories like this.


jug o' air

Ever since I was a little kid, I have always been fascinated with colored shadows. How is it possible for the color of something to be displaced and projected somewhere else?! I'm sure that there is a simple physics answer to solve this mystery and if I think about it long enough, yeah it makes sense I guess.. but still.


les chats, deja vu

Okay, so I know you've seen my cats featured in so many posts. But they are just so model-esque, posing for me whenever I get out my camera. And of course I missed them while I was down in Boston.

Pumpkin always tries to blend into the wall. He takes the whole "orange" thing way too seriously.

Happy 15th birthday to Friskie! November 6th was the day, and we celebrated by doing joint yoga on the sunny deck outside.


pumpkin pecan buns

Break from reality this week, finally! Due to my awesome class schedule and the upcoming Veteran's Day, I was able to take a week off from classes, city-life, and studying (facebook).. So the first thing I did when I came home was make these amazing vegan pumpkin pecan rolls with a sweet ginger glaze. They were so delicious and my mom ate the entire pan.