
phish at madison square garden

Outside of Madison Square Garden before Phish on 12/28. It was such a nice night for being almost January!

Water cup. I thought and still do think this is the greatest thing ever. And yes, I kept this flimsy plastic cup as a souvenir.

As Phish entered the stage. We had seats that faced the back of the band, but it was still an amazing spot to see the entire stadium and hear the musical bliss.

Mike and Trey making magic float through the air. 

Loving life.

The entire band. They made December 28th the most amazing.


escalators of color

New York, New York! Look familiar? This is the colorful wall in Times Square's magical Toys R Us. It was probably the highlight of my entire time spent in Times Square, not necessarily because it was SO AWESOME, but because I'm not really into the whole NYC thing. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have ended up in the city at all if Phish wasn't having their New Years run at Madison Square Garden. Yes, I was lucky enough to get tickets... only to the first night, but one is better than none! Pictures of MSG and the show will be soon to come.


Two buildings close to my apartment. The one above is another apartment building and the one below is a pub. I don't know the lady.


There are so many lantern shops on the walk from Harvard back to Central. 


miss molly

My little cousin, Molly, at the family Christmas party this weekend.


dairy land

Cows in the snow in Monticello, Maine.


crossed sticks and orange leaves

These last couple of posts have all come from my visit last weekend to the Arnold Arboretum, the most amazing place on the Orange line (the sketchy one). I went there to shoot stuff for my photography final project, but I brought my digital along as well. Since it's finals' week and I'm busy studying..... making Christmas presents, I haven't had time to upload all of them. So here's the last of those from the Arboretum! I'll be back home Saturday night, so I'll scan in some of my photos from my class this semester to post. Keep waiting!


simple brown

Be simple today and don't do anything at all.


jolly holly

It's officially the first week of December. That means that winter is fast approaching (although the 60 degree weather in Boston doesn't make it seem possible). I hope you all have a holly jolly start to December!



Another photo from Thanksgiving. This is my grandfather, Pops, resting after a big meal.


thanksgiving sunset

 After stuffing my face with tofurky, salad, and potatoes at my relatives' home in Scarborough, Maine, I took a quick swing by the beach. I am so glad I was able to catch this great sunset.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for memories like this.


jug o' air

Ever since I was a little kid, I have always been fascinated with colored shadows. How is it possible for the color of something to be displaced and projected somewhere else?! I'm sure that there is a simple physics answer to solve this mystery and if I think about it long enough, yeah it makes sense I guess.. but still.


les chats, deja vu

Okay, so I know you've seen my cats featured in so many posts. But they are just so model-esque, posing for me whenever I get out my camera. And of course I missed them while I was down in Boston.

Pumpkin always tries to blend into the wall. He takes the whole "orange" thing way too seriously.

Happy 15th birthday to Friskie! November 6th was the day, and we celebrated by doing joint yoga on the sunny deck outside.


pumpkin pecan buns

Break from reality this week, finally! Due to my awesome class schedule and the upcoming Veteran's Day, I was able to take a week off from classes, city-life, and studying (facebook).. So the first thing I did when I came home was make these amazing vegan pumpkin pecan rolls with a sweet ginger glaze. They were so delicious and my mom ate the entire pan.


wicked witch

Shadows from my blinds make me look like I have striped legs. This picture is weird. My feet aren't really this creepy in real life.



 So as I mentioned before, I'm in a film photography class at school right now. It's so interesting! But way too expensive. Anyways, that is the main reason why I haven't been posting as much lately. Shooting, developing, and printing takes MUCH longer than shooting, editing, and uploading. Anyways, here are my first three assignments from class.
The first is city/landscape. My teacher was indifferent to these. She didn't say they were great, she didn't say they were awful... just ehh.

The second assignment was portrait. I did my roomie, Taylor. My teacher LOVEEED them and thought they were great..(well all except the middle one with the book). I didn't really like that one either.

The third assignment was self portrait. This was so difficult. I had my boyfriend hold the camera in the position I wanted, but he always ended up moving. This resulted in cutting off my elbows, leaving too much head space, and making me unfocused in about 85% of the pictures. But I managed to print five decent ones! My teacher hasn't critiqued these yet (Tuesday!) but from what she said while I was printing, I think she'll like them... somewhat.

If I get ambition (and a scanner) I will upload some of my best from throughout the semester. Probably not until December though.

UPDATE: (11/1/11) My teacher thought my self portraits were amazing. In fact, best in the class! I got an A and I'm super pumped.


iron man

I like this thing. Salem, MA.


apples to apples

Anyone up for some super delicious vegan apple pie with fresh, handpicked apples? This was the first pie I have ever made and it was awesome.


cheers to the night

Can't have Columbus without Octoberfest.


fire in the sky

Ugh, posting hiatus. I'm back now! I'm not sure for how long though. This semester I'm taking a film photography class at school and it has been devouring all my "photo time" leaving me with no opportunity to shoot digital... hence the reason why I have NO PICTURES to post lately! Maybe if I get motivation, I'll scan some of my prints and post them (but probably not). In the meantime, I went back home this weekend for Columbus! It was a great time with family and friends.. friends? I guess mainly just family. And the trees were sooo pretty. Can't wait for the leaves to start changing down here.


umphrey's mcgee at the state theater

 Last weekend I went to the Umphrey's McGee show at the Portland State Theater. It was amazing. I have only seen them once before, at Nateva (RIP) and thought they were pretty awesome. BUT THIS was ten times as great.

PS, check out my post from the TAB show at the Portland State Theater from February. It was soooo great as well. Like really, it was amazing. 


harvard market

 If you don't know me, then the one thing you need to know is that I LOVE FARMERS' MARKETS. Love them. I love veggies and fruits, especially organic, and I love the people that grow them. So as my roommate and I were exploring Cambridge yesterday, we came across the Harvard Square Farmer Market. We almost died out of excitement. Unfortunately I didn't have any cash on me this time, but I'll be back next week with a pocket full of cash, my reusable shopping bags, and a tummy/heart ready for fresh goodies. ..and of course my camera again.


one after another

 Birds are so funny. They follow each other everywhere. While walking around Central yesterday I saw these guys in the hedges in front of the post office. They saw me and decided it would be safer to move up higher on the building. Once the first bird went, a succession of the rest followed in one fast sweep. It was crazy. It makes me wonder why all birds think the same.
